Sunday, July 24, 2011

Making Paper Bag Books

Pam and I had a great time with our paper bag project and the 40 new scrappers! I am posting more information on how to do it and samples of ones I've made. They are just so cute and so much fun to do!

This was the version we did using the regular size lunch bags that come in a package of 50. Pretty cheap! Anyway we used two bags. You can use more. To see how to make the basic bag click HERE. I usually sew mine together. I have punched holes and tied ribbon before, but that method takes space from your pages, so I prefer the sewn method. If I sew the bags together, I do not punch as they show on the how-to page.

The bag below is called a "Waterfall bag book." It is just two bags placed on top of each other but one pushed back to leave just over an inch. Then fold so that you have the waterfall layers in front. Sew on fold. 

The one below is made with the larger bags. It's finished size is about 6 x 6. I really like this size. It would be better if I had sewn in the middle rather than punching. That way the pages lie flat. Remember you can fill the pockets with tags and lots of photos and journaling!

Happy paper bag book making! It is fun and limitless!!
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