Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weekly Specials and other info......

Just trying something:

Below are the links to weekly ads: Just click on them to see them.

Hobby Lobby:


I also just learned that a company I just love, Scenic Route is going out of business. They have a clearance sale going on at their site:

Check out some of these sites.


I thought if I put up Blog candy I would get some comments. I have only gotten one response and it was by Donna by email, not as a comment. I need some comments or some way to know you are visiting my site. Some of you asked for some other information to be posted, such as specials at our local stores, industry news and coupon specials. Things like that. So I will try posting these things and see if this is more interesting for you. Watch for new information. Remember you need to subscribe to receive updates by email when I post something new.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Here's some Blog Candy !!

For those of you who aren't BLOG savvy, this is Blog Candy. All you have to do is post a comment after this post and you will be entered into a drawing. I will randomly choose one name on Sept. 30th to receive these goodies. These are some really cute acrylic stamps I found at M's. So make a comment and you might be a WINNER!! Make sure you leave a way for me to find you if I don't know you. Post your blog or some other address. To comment, just click on the word Comment and it will give you a box to type in.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stamp TV

Got to see this video from Stamp TV. IT is a great site with great videos on technigues for doing all sors of neat stuff!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Click here to see some great simple pages!!

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Is this your child's teacher?

We had a blast last night!! Carol cracked us all up when she forgot her reading glasses! This was her first class in a while and she was thrilled to be here! After dealing with first graders
since August, she was just ecstatic to be in the
company of adults (especially ones with no snotty noses!!) Helen, Pam and Edith needed to make some cards for a baby shower. I had the Cricut smoking and got most of the pieces cut before they came. We inked, stamped, stickled and tied to make these really cute cards. We actually made 35 in 3 hours!!
It was quite a production. We had an assembly line going and everyone did their part. It was loud and boisterous!! The nipples on the bottles brought up some enlightening conversations!!

If you are needing a night out with the girls, I highly recommend this group.
Surprisingly, there was not even any alcohol involved!


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